Ron Wooten [00:00:00] I think the take-home message for me: early on, I was told by many people that these were just coyotes. I was told by many people that they've read the papers, they've seen the, they've seen the news, they know that red wolves are endangered. They know that they don't exist. They know because the media has told them these, these things. They're not using their own eyes.
Ron Wooten [00:00:31] I think the take-away for me was that, you know, we have to keep our eyes open, and keep our ears open, and look and listen and take the information that we've learned and be able to apply it to understand that, you know, perhaps the narrative out there is not the truth, you know, be that mistakenly or purposefully, but the narrative may be wrong.
Ron Wooten [00:01:05] And we need to use our brains that God gave us to be able to analyze what we see, and what we hear, and what we read, and what we listen to, and what we come to understand to be able to come to truth.
Ron Wooten [00:01:23] And that was one of the big take-aways from these animals was that, you know, I was, I read in my textbooks that these animals were endangered, that they were only located in the Carolinas. I heard from the media that they're endangered. They're only in the Carolinas. They are extinct in the wild. I heard all kinds of information just like that.
Ron Wooten [00:01:47] But when it comes down to it and the physical moment is there. And you're looking at something and you say this, I know I've been told this, and I know that I've heard this, I know I've read this, but I'm looking at this animal. Or I'm looking at this situation and this is what it is. I can't do anything about it.
Ron Wooten [00:02:12] It's, you know, so then you have to fight the uphill battle to try to fight the, the perception that, no, you're wrong. You know, you don't know what you're talking about. These experts out here have said this or that. You need to listen to the experts.
Ron Wooten [00:02:31] And I say, "Well, you know, look at this. Use your own eyes. Use your own ears. What do you see?"